Welcome and Thank You for Supporting Moms

To access the course a membership account needs to be setup with a login and password.  Your free member account will allow easy access to all of your courses. Setup your account by clicking the button – Start the Course. If at any time you have questions about the course please email Lynn Schulte and if you need tech support please email Beth Oden.

  1. Add Lynn’s and Beth’s email to your contacts.
  2. Click the Button – Start the Class
  3. If new to IBH Courses/Classes, please setup your member account for access to the courses/classes.
  4. If you already have an account, click on “Login Here” – no need to setup new account.
  5. Once to your course/class, you may want to bookmark the page.

Please note it is recommended to view units with wifi access versus cellular service.


[pmpro_advanced_levels levels=”1″ checkout_button=”Start the Course” back_link=”true” back_link=”true”]